“Get out from smog” – claculate the distance

Get out from smog – part IV

As i mentioned in a previous post. I create a class that will be calculated the distance in kilometers between the measuring stations and a latitudes, longitudes. First we have to calculate distance in kilometers between latidute and longtidute points.

Haversine formula

In this example, I use Haversine formula to calculate distance.

I wrote it in delegate Func which has four parameters and return ‘double’ as a result.

Func<double, double, double, double, double> calculateDistanceToKm = (double _stationLatitudes 
                    , double _stationLongtitudes, double _userLatitudes, double _userLongtitudes ) =>
        var R = 6372.8; // In kilometers
        var dLat = toRadians(_stationLatitudes - _userLatitudes);
        var dLon = toRadians(_stationLongtitudes - _userLongtitudes);
        _userLatitudes = toRadians(_userLatitudes);
        _stationLatitudes = toRadians(_stationLatitudes);

        var a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) 
                * Math.Cos(_stationLatitudes) * Math.Cos(_userLatitudes);
        var c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a));
        return Math.Round(R * 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a)),3);

Next I filters my list to receive only stations that are up away max. 100km and added properties which defines the distance from the station.

The whole class looks like this:

public class ReturnNearestStationsIn100Km: IReturnNearestStation
    public List<ParseJsonToList> ReturnNearestStation(List<ParseJsonToList> model, double userLatitudes, double userLongitudes)
        Func<double, double, double, double, double> calculateDistanceToKm = (double _stationLatitudes, double _stationLongtitudes, double _userLatitudes, double _userLongtitudes) =>
                var R = 6372.8; // In kilometers
                var dLat = toRadians(_stationLatitudes - _userLatitudes);
                var dLon = toRadians(_stationLongtitudes - _userLongtitudes);
                _userLatitudes = toRadians(_userLatitudes);
                _stationLatitudes = toRadians(_stationLatitudes);

                var a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Cos(_stationLatitudes) * Math.Cos(_userLatitudes);
                var c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a));
                return Math.Round(R * 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a)), 3);
        var filtredModel = model.Where(x =>
            var distanceInKmFromUserToStation = calculateDistanceToKm(x.LatAndLong.Latitudes, x.LatAndLong.Longitudes, userLatitudes, userLongitudes);
            x.DistanceBetweenUserAndStation = distanceInKmFromUserToStation;
            return (distanceInKmFromUserToStation < 100);
        return filtredModel;
    public double toRadians(double angle)
        return Math.PI * angle / 180.0;

And here is test for check the distance between the Main Market Square in Krakow and the Wawel Dragon which is ~1012 meters.

Test class:

public class CalculateDistanceBetweenLatiduteAndLongitudeTest
    public void Distance_between_main_market_square_and_wawel_dragon_should_be_1km_and_12meters()
        double _mainMarketSquareCracovLatitude = 50.061858;
        double _mainMarketSquareCracovlongtitude = 19.936833;
        double _wawelDragonLatitude = 50.053001;
        double _wawelDragonLongtitude = 19.933568;
        List<ParseJsonToList> model = new List<ParseJsonToList>();
        LatitudesLongitudes testLatAndLong = new LatitudesLongitudes();
        testLatAndLong.Latitudes = _mainMarketSquareCracovLatitude;
        testLatAndLong.Longitudes = _mainMarketSquareCracovlongtitude;
        model.Add(new ParseJsonToList()
            LatAndLong = testLatAndLong

        ReturnNearestStationsIn100Km calc = new ReturnNearestStationsIn100Km();

        var result = calc.ReturnNearestStation(model, _wawelDragonLatitude, _wawelDragonLongtitude);

        Assert.Equal(1.012d, result.FirstOrDefault().DistanceBetweenUserAndStation);

get out form smog test

Distance from google maps.

distance from main market square to wawel dragon


The next step will be combining all written so far functionality and display the nearest station’s.

Link to the project: HERE.

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