Simple Data – Example with compare

Simple Data

Simple.Data is dynamic ORM. But What mean ORM : O – object, R – Relational, M – Mapping. But if simple data is dynamic we haven’t objects, relationals, mapping. So try again “Simple.Data is dynamic (NullReferenceException)” – weak joke 😉

Today I will try to compare Simple.Data with EntityFramework.


The example uses two tables “team” and “players”


For example code has been written in console and to measure execution time I use Stopwatch class. It’s look like:

static void Main(string[] args)
        var timer = new Stopwatch();
        Console.WriteLine("Test with Simple.Data " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", 
            1000.0 * timer.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency) + " ms\n");

        var timer2 = new Stopwatch();
        Console.WriteLine("Test with EF " + string.Format("{0:0.000}",
            1000.0 * timer2.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency)+ " ms\n");

    } while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Z);

Loading data

Let’s try to load data from database with Simple.Data. It’s so simple, we serve as parametr our connection string to our database in method .OpenConnection() we can also use .Open() method if we configured connection string in App.Config. Method defaultDb.Team.All() return all records from table team.

public class SimpleDataClass
    public static void GetTableBySD()
        string ConnectionString = @"Data Source = PAWEL; Initial Catalog = test; Integrated Security = True";
        dynamic defaultDb = Database.OpenConnection(ConnectionString);
        var list =;

And the same in Entity Framework.

public class ORM
    public static void GetTableByORM()
        using (testEntities1 db = new testEntities1())
            var listEF =;

Test look like:

compare ef and simple data

The result are very similar. Try to add join to our query.

Simple.Data join:

public class SimpleDataClass
    public static void GetTableBySD()
        string ConnectionString = @"Data Source = PAWEL; Initial Catalog = test; Integrated Security = True";
        dynamic defaultDb = Database.OpenConnection(ConnectionString);
        var listFilter =
                .Join(defaultDb.players).On(defaultDb.players.ID_team ==;
        foreach (var item in listFilter)

ORM join:

public class ORM
    public static void GetTableByORM()
        using (testEntities1 db = new testEntities1())
            var listFilter2 = from a in
                                join b in db.players on a.ID equals b.ID_team
                                select b.Surname;
            foreach (var item in listFilter2)


compare ef and simple data

Here we have five records and time is five times bigger.


Let’s see the diffrence in the insert.


public class SimpleDataClass
    public static void GetTableBySD()
        string ConnectionString = @"Data Source = PAWEL; Initial Catalog = test; Integrated Security = True";
        dynamic defaultDb = Database.OpenConnection(ConnectionString); "Real", League: "PD");


public class ORM
    public static void GetTableByORM()
        using (testEntities1 db = new testEntities1())
            team _insert = new team();
            _insert.TeamName = "Barca";
            _insert.League = "PD";


compare insert ef and simple data

And again we see the difference in the times between Entity Framework and Simple.Data.


Writing code in a looks more intuitive and is faster then EF. But the cost of this it is the lack of intellisense because we operate on dynamic variable. Any syntax errors are detected only after run applications. Plus is the simplicity of the writing unit test and perform faster then those that are based on eg. entity framework. A unit test example with Simple.Data.

If you are interested in library here is documentation.

Link to this project.


Lazy loading vs eager loading vs simple data

I added a loop to measure time with eager loading.

var listFilter2 = (from b in db.players.Include(x =>
                    select b.Surname).ToList();

eager loading vs lazy loading vs simple data

3 Comments on “Simple Data – Example with compare”

  1. If you have lazy loading enabled in EF (by default s fast as I remember), then I guess your join comparison may be flawed. Have you tried to use .Include() method to say what tables should be eager-loaded? This may affect Entity Framework performance results. Also, how does Simple.Data handle transactions? It may be interesting to try to insert many entities within the same transaction. The performance comparison result may say a bit more about usage of these libraries in more real use cases.

  2. 1.I agree that I should use .AsNoTracking(), but just in case only if I want to display data, otherwise if I want to edit this data later it is recommended to use the default query, mean without .AsNoTracking().
    2.I wrote a post that shows how generated is sql in eager loading and lazy loading here, and if someone want to see how generated is sql in this is written in the documentation here

  3. In part with the addition I added loop and I removed the effect of “cold code” also I added eager loading, lazy loading to list().

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